The Difference Between Trash Can and Diaper Pail: Which One is Better for Your Baby’s Nursery?

difference between trash can and diaper pail

Last Updated on October 2, 2023

When it comes to taking care of a baby, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is what kind of garbage can to buy. A trash can is great for disposing of general waste, but if you have a baby, you’ll need a diaper pail instead.

Diaper pails are an important appliance for parents with small children. They offer a place to store dirty diapers that is out of reach of curious babies and toddlers, away from the main living areas of the home.

Diaper pails also seal in smells better than garbage cans, which is crucial for keeping a nursery smelling fresh. Additionally, diaper pails are more sturdy than garbage cans, meaning they are less likely to tip over if a child tries to climb on them.

If you’re looking for the best option for your nursery, go with a diaper pail. You don’t need to worry about stinky diapers in the room anymore with a diaper pail, it works great and the trash bags can easily be taken out. It will make your life easier and help keep your nursery smelling fresh.

Here’s a look at the differences between trash cans and diaper pails to help you make the best decision for your nursery.

Trash Can vs Diaper Pail: What are the Differences?

Most people don’t know the difference between a trash can and a diaper pail. They might think they’re the same thing, but they’re actually quite different.


Trash Can

A trash can is simply a container in which you put garbage. A trash can is a receptacle for garbage, typically with a lid, that is often made of steel, plastic, or ceramic.

They have a lid that opens and closes to allow you to dispose of garbage. Some trash cans also have a foot pedal that allows you to open the lid without using your hands.

It doesn’t have any special features or anything; it’s just a place to store garbage until you can dispose of it.

Diaper Pail

Diaper Pail Function

A diaper pail, on the other hand, is specifically designed for storing dirty diapers. It usually has a lid that seals tight to keep the smell contained, and some even have a deodorizing agent inside to help control the odor.  Most diaper pails have pedals that allow you to open the lid hands-free.

Diaper pails are usually made of plastic and have a deodorizing system that helps to control the odor of dirty diapers. They are also usually tall and narrow, so they take up less space than a trash can.

Rather than regular trash bags, a diaper pail has multiple liners or bags that you can line the pail with. When the liner is full, you don’t have to touch the dirty diapers when changing them. You simply tie it off and dispose of it. Then, you put a new liner in the pail and continue using it.

Some diaper pails even come with a self-sealing system that automatically seals the bag after each use. This helps to keep the smells contained and makes it easier to dispose of the bags.


The main difference between these two types of receptacles is their function.

Trash Can

Trash Can

A trash can is for disposing of general waste. This could be anything from food wrappers to paper towels. Basically, anything that you would put in a garbage can goes in here.

Diaper Pail

A diaper pail is specifically designed for storing dirty diapers. It usually has a lid that seals tight to keep the smell contained, and some even have a deodorizing agent inside to help control the

Diaper pails are more sturdy than garbage cans, so if a child climbs on them, they won’t tip over as easily. They also have lids that seal in and smell better, which is important for keeping a nursery smelling fresh.

Diaper pails typically have a foot pedal that allows you to open the lid without having to touch it, which is helpful when your hands are full. When it comes to emptying the contents, trash cans can be rolled to the curb, while diaper pails usually require you to carry them to the garbage can.

Overall, both trash cans and diaper pails serve important functions, but they are definitely not interchangeable.

Benefits of Using a Trash Can over a Diaper Pail

There are a few benefits of using a trash can over a diaper pail.

One is that they are typically less expensive.

Another is that they don’t require special liners; you can use regular garbage bags. Trash cans are easier to empty; you can roll them to the curb on trash day.

Finally, they don’t have a deodorizing system, so you don’t have to worry about replacing filters or refilling deodorizers.

Benefits of Using a Diaper Pail over a Trash Can

Most parents are familiar with the harsh smell of dirty diapers. Unfortunately, this odor can quickly permeate an entire room, making it unpleasant for both adults and children.

Luckily, diaper pails are the ultimate solution to this problem. Not only do they seal in odors, but they also typically have a larger capacity so you don’t have to empty them as often.

Plus, they can prevent dreaded diaper leaks that can lead to even more odor-causing messes. Some have a deodorizing system to help control the odor of dirty diapers.

Also, many diaper pails have features such as foot pedals and self-sealing systems for maximum convenience.

Many parents overlook diaper pails as potential dangers for curious children. Not only do diaper pails contain dirty diapers, but they also often contain germ-laden wipes and possibly even hazardous chemicals used to treat the diapers.

Using a diaper pail with a locking lid is an easy way to keep those little fingers out of harm’s way. Plus, it can also provide some much-needed peace of mind for parents worrying about the possibility of their child getting into a dirty diaper or potentially harmful substances.

So don’t forget about that locking lid feature when shopping for your next diaper pail – it could be more important than you think!

By using a diaper pail, you can keep your nursery smelling sweet – even when things get a little stinky!

Which One is Better for the Environment?

When dealing with waste, there are a few different options available. Two of the most popular choices are trash cans and diaper pails. But which one is better for the environment?

Trash cans are typically made from plastic, which is not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to break down. Trash cans are typically made of plastic, which means they will eventually end up in a landfill. 

Diaper pails, on the other hand, are often made from materials like cloth or stainless steel, which are much more environmentally friendly. They typically have lids that seal in smells, while trash cans do not. This means that diaper pails can help to reduce air pollution.

So, when it comes to being eco-friendly, diaper pails are the clear winner. However, they may not be the best choice for every situation. Trash cans are usually cheaper and easier to maintain so they may be a better option for some people. Ultimately, the best decision is the one that works best for you and your family.

Which One is Better for Your Wallet?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. If you are looking for the cheapest option, then a trash can is probably your best bet.

However, if you are looking to save money in the long run, then a diaper pail might be a better choice. This is because you won’t have to keep buying garbage bags; you can just use regular liners.

Diaper pails also typically have lids that seal in smells, while trash cans do not. This means that you won’t have to worry about buying air fresheners or deodorizers.

So, if you are looking to save money, then a diaper pail is probably the better choice. However, if you are looking for the cheapest option up front, then a trash can is probably your best bet.

How to Use a Diaper Pail Correctly?

If you want to use a diaper pail correctly, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to choose the right size.

You don’t want one that is too small because it will fill up quickly and start to stink. However, you also don’t want one that is too big, because it will be a waste of money.

Next, you need to choose the right liner. Most diaper pails come with special liners that are designed to seal in smells.

You will also need to buy some deodorizers or air fresheners. These will help to keep your nursery smelling fresh. Finally, you need to empty the diaper pail regularly.

If you let it get too full, it will start to stink. So, make sure to empty it at least once a week. If you follow these tips, you should be able to use your diaper pail without any problems.


Is There an Alternative to Diaper Pails?

The birth of a baby is a miraculous event. Unfortunately, along with the joy of a new life comes the reality of diapers – and the stench that comes with them. For many parents, a diaper pail is an essential tool for dealing with soiled diapers, but it can also be a source of frustration.

The pails are often difficult to empty, and they don’t always effectively mask the odor of dirty diapers. Fortunately, there are a few alternative options for dealing with diapers.

A wet bag! One option is to use a wet bag, a reusable and washable pouch that can be hung on a hook or doorknob and easily shaken out into the toilet before washing.

Another option is using flushable liners and biodegradable sheets that can go right into the toilet along with the waste.

Or, if you prefer a more hands-off approach, consider investing in a diaper sprayer attachment for your toilet- spray off any solids and then dispose of diapers in your regular trash.

Whichever method you choose, it’s important to find one that works for you and your family. With a little trial and error, you’ll be able to find an alternative to the diaper pail that fits your needs.

Do I Need More Than One Diaper Pail?

The answer depends on a few factors. If you have more than one child in diapers, then you may find that two pails are necessary.

One can be used for each child, or you can use one for cloth diapers and one for disposables. If you have a small house or apartment, then you may also find that two pails are helpful in order to keep the stink contained.

Ultimately, whether or not you need more than one diaper pail is up to you. If you find that one is sufficient, then there’s no need to invest in another. But if you find that two (or even more) pails make your life easier, then there’s no harm in having an extra one on hand.

Can I Use a Regular Trash Can as a Diaper Pail?

A diaper pail is a great way to keep your baby’s room smelling fresh and clean. But what if you don’t have a diaper pail?

Can you just use a regular trash can? The answer is yes, you can!

Just be sure to line the trash can with a heavy-duty garbage bag and place a lid on top. Then, when it’s time to change your baby’s diaper, simply lift the lid and drop the dirty diaper into the trash can.

There are various motion-sensor trash cans on the market that can be used as diaper pails, too. These cans automatically open when you wave your hand in front of them, so you don’t even need to touch the lid.

Can I Put Anything Else in my Diaper Pail Besides Diapers?

A diaper pail is a great way to keep a clean and organized nursery. But what should you do with all those dirty diapers? Here are some tips on what you can and can’t put in your diaper pail. 

You can put anything that will fit in your diaper pail, but there are a few things you shouldn’t put in there. Diapers should be the only thing in your diaper pail.

Don’t put anything else in there, like wipes, because they will just get dirty and add to the smell. You also don’t want to put anything sharp in there, like a safety pin, because it could puncture the diapers and cause a leak. 

Also, there are a few other things you can put in your diaper pail to help keep it smelling fresh. For example, you can add a few drops of essential oil to your diaper pail.

This will help to neutralize any bad smells. You can also add a cup of baking soda to your diaper pail. This will absorb any excess moisture and help to keep things smelling fresh.

Finally, you can place a container of activated charcoal in your diaper pail. This will help to absorb any odors from the diapers.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to dirty diapers, there is a big difference between a trash can and a diaper pail. Diaper pails are airtight, so they keep the odor contained until you’re ready to take out the trash.

Trash cans are not airtight, so they’re not ideal for this purpose. But, they can be used for other things, such as storing recycling materials or holding extra garbage bags.

So, when you’re deciding which type of container to use for your child’s dirty diapers, think about what you’ll be using it for most often. If you need something that will keep the odor contained, then go with a diaper pail.

If you just need a place to store garbage until trash day, then a trash can will suffice. Either way, you’ll be glad you made the choice that’s best for your needs.

The Difference Between Trash Can and Diaper Pail: Which One is Better for Your Baby’s Nursery?

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